Tuesday, December 16, 2008

WHAT??!!!! you didn't think i'd notice???!!

to the people who make cottonelle bath tissue:
you think we are buying the same toilet tissue that we did 6 months ago? i don't THINK so.... you have reduced the width by about 1/4". you probably showed the change on the package, but we don't seem to read the packages about how many square feet of toilet tissue we buy from one time to the next. we simply like cottonelle.

i knew that something was different with my recent purchase from the dollar store. i knew that it was smaller. luckily, i happened to have an older toilet paper roll. i compared the sizes. sure enough, cottonelle dropped a 1/4 inch. so, WHAT??!!! you didn't think i'd notice??!!!

we will still buy the stuff, but the makers of cottonelle can just shove their new and improved toilet tissue up their you-know-whats where it belongs. i guess i have to get used to the smaller and more convenient size. i am just what you might call a little disgruntled.


now, on another note way at the "other end", let's talk about the makers of dove chocolate "promises".

some time ago, i noticed that the bags changed from 11 ounces to 9.5 ounces. now, to a chocoholic like me, i recognized that the bag felt a little lighter, so i noticed the difference. i thought "oh, well" apparently chocolate is getting more expensive to make, and it's still cheaper than our favorite candy store, anthony thomas, in columbus, ohio. (last i knew, the going rate for a pound of regular ordinary milk butter creams was about $10.00 a pound - and, sometimes we will pay it!) so, back to dove.....

recently, i started peeling the candy out of the stupid little wrappers (i could forego the wrappers!) and found that the foil was about twice as thick as that of the previous wrappers. i thought maybe it was a fluke, and i just got a bunch of double-wrapped ones. i kind of considered myself special. then, i realized that ALL of them seemed to be double-wrapped. i didn't feel special anymore. why did they make the foil coverings more sturdy? i thought the old flimsy foils were sufficient enough to contain the little square chocolate candies. so, WHAT??!!! you didn't think i'd notice.

now, if i wanted to, i could weigh all of the candy with and without the wrappers and see what numbers i can come up with. however, i have no bags with the flimsey foil wrappers covering the chocolates. so, i don't have a control group in order to conduct the experiment.

so, am i screwed? YES!!! will i still buy the crap? YES!!! but, i won't like it. i promise!!!


Katie Kleber said...


you will buy it and still like it, but be disgruntled! lvoe you bunches of thick-foiled dove bits.

Katie Kleber said...

and, what??!! you think i wouldn't notice that you bought TP at the $ store? that is probably why it was there! the $ store...geez, what do you expect, anyways? it was a buck! : )

Shawna Bates said...

This catagory of your blog cracks me up!! You got a great blog here!