baby boy (mason rush bennett) was born at 2.05 pm today and is 7 lb 13 oz. lots of black fuzzy hair, big feet and hands and chubby cheeks. mom, dad and baby are doing great. mom expects to be home at this time tomorrow. thank you for keeping us in your thoughts! if our cat-sitter situation works out, we will be on our way to columbus on tuesday morning.
my daughter's water broke sunday evening, and the contractions are starting. we should have a baby very soon! on our way to columbus on tuesday morning! baby boy couldn't wait until the 7/31 due date. the baby's weight is estimated at 9.5 pounds. pictures will be forth-coming.
my daughter, jawnna, has updated her status. this is what she said: "i went to another ultrasound today. i am 36 weeks and 2 days along and he is now 8 pounds and 12 ounces he has gained 3 pounds 4 oz in 3 weeks. wow we are going to have a big baby!" stay tuned!